It is the policy of this facility to safeguard its residents and employees from possible exposure to Corona Virus (COVID–19) by following the CDC guidelines and recommendations as well as the NJ Department of Health mandates.
McAuley Hall Healthcare Center will implement screening of visitors and employees using the screening guidelines set forth by CDC for COVID-19
Infection Control Preventionist/ designee will conduct surveillance and frequent monitoring of residents for signs and symptoms of respiratory infection
Residents who went out of the facility for MD appointments
Residents who went home for family visits
Resident who are currently in the facility with signs and symptoms of respiratory infection
ICP/ designee will monitor staff for signs and symptoms of respiratory infection
Staff who return to work after calling out sick
Staff who came back from vacation out of the country and or in another state
Staff who manifest signs and symptoms of respiratory infection while at work
Facility will have signs posted in the facility regarding hand hygiene, and prevention strategies related to COVID–19.
Facility will continue to perform ongoing weekly testing of staff and residents until guidance from the NJDOH changes.
Residents will be screened, at minimum every shift, with temperature checks, heart rate, blood pressure, pulse and questions and observations for other signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
Staff education regarding COVID-19, reviewing infection control and prevention policies, use of PPE, handwashing, Standard and transmission-based Precaution and McAuley’s plan for prevention and management of COVID-19 in accordance to CDC and NJ Department of health guidelines.
Educating the resident about COVID-19, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and coughing etiquette, appropriate use of mask.
Inform residents and families about the facility’s plan and strategies implemented to prevent COVID 19 infection in the facility.
The facility will continually communicate and update residents, families and staff regarding facility’s plan and strategies implemented and COVID-19 activities in the facility.
Facility will make every effort to ensure that families have access to their loved ones during quarantine via phone, facetime, Zoom, etc.
Screening of new resident to the facility prior to admission and new employee prior to working in the facility.
The facility will follow CDC guidelines for environmental cleaning, and any additional cleaning/ frequency necessary for the duration of the crisis
Visitation restriction for families and non-essential personnel may be implemented in accordance to CDC and Department of Health guidelines.
Cancellation of large group activities such as mass, Bingo, communal dining and other activities may be implemented in accordance to CDC and Department of Health guidelines. Residents shall stay in their rooms as much as possible.
Facility will follow its policy and procedure for Standard and Transmission-based precaution when caring for residents and to prevent and control infection.
In an event of staffing shortage, McAuley hall will implement contingency capacity strategies to mitigate staffing shortage.
Facility will stay in communication with the local and state public health authorities with information and concerns regarding COVID-19.